Friday, August 28, 2009

You Think Your Project Isn't Going So Well?

Pitty the poor Boeing people. The 787 was supposed to be a game changer - from design, through construction through performance. And it may still be. Just not anywhere close to when it was promised or for the dollars that were projected. Airlines are having a tough time staying committed to it (although generally they are) and delays are opening up nice opportunities for Airbus (who went through their own hell launching the A380). Getting a new aircraft out is clearly a little more complex than creating a box of cookies. And I'm no expert on projects of this scale. It would be interesting to know what the key learning is on simple things - like projecting timelines, identifying and accounting for risk, managing the corporate politics, keeping key customers happy, etc. You get a sense there will definitely be a big sigh of relief when (and if) this puppy (alright, bird) actually takes to the air.

Posted via web from Jim's posterous

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