Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Judging People

I didn't vote for Stephen Harper's party in the last recent election because I did't trust him. Those warm and fuzzy family ads that he kicked the campaign off with were poor cover for a hyper-partisan determination to neo-conservatize Canada.

Over the past two weeks he has shown himself to be exactly what I feared and Canada has been thrown into a leadership fright box. Harper should step down. He's a scary dude with a vision for this country that few people understood. Now that they're catching on, it's dangerously late.


Vitruvian Man said...

R u nuts? Sure, he's got megalomaniac tendencies (what good CEO doesn't?) but his leadership (until this unfortunate episode - we all make mistakes now and then ;) has been pretty decent. The alternative...a three party coalition scares the living shit out of me. The only capable leader of that group is Duceppe..friken scary...

Aside from the minimized bailout plan, Harper made some really stupid moves with regards to party funding etc.. that seriously threatened the opposition. This nonsense about the economy is just a front to gain public support.

What idiot would introduce such uncertainty in the governance of our country during a time of "severe financial crisis"...

Finally, on the issue of the bailout... fuck the bailout..the economy needs to feel a bit more pain for a good time longer. It'll do it, and the environment some good in the long run...

Jim Crocker said...

As CEO I wouldn't have hired him because I judged he was being dishonest. Now he's made serious mistakes, there have been consequences and we're all at risk. This isn't about political parties, leadership options or bailouts - it's about what happens when the wrong person gets the job, especially the top job. Guess what? When that happens, everyone is at risk.

Vitruvian Man said...

I suppose you could level those same arguments towards the leaders of the opposition on certain issues. Lesser of two evils perhaps.

What I know is that - based on reports from economists - Canada is best postioned to weather the current economic conditions.

I might be missing something here, but I don't see dishonesty as being the root cause of this particular political storm. He proposed the elimination of party funding from taxes and that provoked the opposition. Everyone agree's that It wasn't a wise move, being that Harper leads a minority government but you can't say it was a dishonest approach.

Leadership Smeadership

Okay. I know it’s a settings thing. Sometime, a long, long time ago – probably when leadership was being invented – I must have indicat...